CANTBIRD’25, Day 10: Yuma to Wellton, AZ

(Sat, 2/22/25; 58 miles, 677 feet of climb)

Today was absolutely glorious! Just perfect weather for biking: it started out in the high 50s, with light breezes from the north and warm sun above. It got a little warmer in the afternoon, but not blazing hot.

The route did not follow the freeway through the mountains. This time, it went around this little mountain range to the north and then back to the south on the other side. As a result, I had a headwind for the first half of the day, and a tailwind for the second half of the day. So my 9.4 mph average through Mile 25 was upgraded to a total average of 11.0, thanks to some afternoon segments where I was averaging 18 mph!

The route went by the Yuma Proving Grounds, where the military did desert training during World War II, and where they still do tests of tanks and other equipment.

On the way north, it followed the Colorado River up to Laguna Dam. There were no towns or stops of any kind on the entire route on the map, other than the military base closed to civilians, so I was a little nervous about water. However, I did find a gated resort community at the north end. 

The guard at the shack hesitatingly allowed me in, but the restaurant whose sign I saw on the road was closed for the weekend. Fortunately, there was a convenience store open. So I took advantage of that and bought Gatorade and trail mix and filled my water bottles. I also had a great rest in the shade at a table at the vacant restaurant.

I got some drone shots while I rode along irrigated farm fields. My throat was a little sore, and I am still coughing a bit, but nothing like the last eight days. This is the first time I felt somewhat normal since the second day of the trip. It felt great!

When I got to the end town, Wellton, I checked three different RV parks. None of the offices were open, and nobody I talked to could tell me whether they could accommodate a tent or not. I’m getting the feeling that tenting in America is a dying art, at least in this part of the country. (I wouldn’t mind staying in an RV, but I don’t wanna carry one of my bike.)

I thought about asking a police officer if I could set up in the city park, but I couldn’t help noticing on Google Maps that there was a Microtel right in town. (Google just makes things too easy.)

Then I thought of the advantages of a hotel, even though I was a beautiful night for camping:

  – I don’t have to set up my tent tonight. 

  – I don’t have to take my tent down tomorrow morning.

  – I get to sleep in a bed and not on the ground.

  – I get my own bathroom and toilet.

  – I can charge my all devices all night.

  – I get a free all-you-can-eat breakfast in the morning

  – HOT TUB!

Once I added all these up, it didn’t make any sense not to spend the extra $55 just to get the hotel. I did try though, honest! 

After checking in, I went to a little Mexican takeout restaurant and got an enormous breakfast burrito that was delicious. Then I flew a little more drone at sunset, and jumped into the hot tub. A great end to a great day.

Other notes:

 My dilemma of how to traverse the 6000-foot climb and 73 miles of no towns or campgrounds or water after Phoenix is now solved. Actually, I have been amazed by the helpfulness of people — I actually had THREE different classmates from our high school in Minnesota offer to drive me over that climb! 

Thank you so much to my grade school friend John Huppertz, and my high school drama friend Candace  Buckman McHatton, but the timing and logistics seen to work out best to stay with and get a ride with the first girl I met in 8th grade choir, Mary McMahon Michels. Mary actually reached out to me a while back, but our schedules did not align…until I had to take those two sick days. See, there’s a reason for everything!

Not only that, but a fourth high school friend, Tim Born, was originally going to put me up at his house and then drive me wherever I wanted to go, and even camp with me, but turns out he’s out of town when I’m coming through. I guess we all went to a pretty great high school! Go, Alexander Ramsey!

Tomorrow I will DEFINITELY be in my tent, because I’ll be in the middle of nowhere, halfway between Wellton and Gila Bend. 




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