(16 miles, 2000 feet of climb)
I was a little disappointed with my progress today — only 16 miles! It was my slowest ever average speed at 6.6 mph, while simultaneously my highest average heart rate at 134 bpm. I guess that means the hills were extra steep today.

The day started off with a very cold morning. My tent got down to 36°F, but the thermometer in my handlebar bag registered 30.7°F. And the sub-freezing temperatures were collaborated by the frost on the grass. I did not sleep very well, because I was waking up all night in the frigid air.

That made it hard to get started in the morning, and made me want to cook a breakfast to warm up. While today was the best weather yet, with sunny skies all day, it was tough biking with 95 pounds.
I was able to get some drone footage of Interstate 8 that I had to ride on for a while, and an old bridge I crossed.

When I got to Pine Valley, I felt like I certainly could’ve ridden further. But I decided not to camp in the Boulder Oaks national forest site, 8 miles down the road, where there’s no shower and no electricity and I would just be in my stuck in my tent for 13 hours again in the dark and cold.

I could’ve easily ridden another hour or two, but the only hotel was 2000 feet higher, and I only had three hours of daylight left. So rather than stressing trying to beat the sun, I just played it safe and got this room at cheap hotel. Logistics are tricky when it gets dark and cold so early (5:30 pm sunset).
This means that tomorrow if I still want to make it to Ocotillo it will be a longer day. But it might be doable because I will finally be on the down slope of these mountains. It all depends on the winds.
If worse comes to worst, I’ll add a day to the schedule. I guess there’s no shame in that.

Once I got in the room I was able to eat at the Frosty Burger, recommended by my San Diego host David. It was a great old-fashioned meal of burger, fries, and chocolate malt, but the place was entirely deserted because everybody has to eat outside. It was still sunny, but the temperatures never rose above the 50s, which is pretty cool for outdoor eating.
Anyway, I plan to go to bed very early tonight and get up and cook some oatmeal in my room and get on the road earlier tomorrow to give myself more options.

Old Scouter” Facebook page if you want to follow big adventures with more pictures and video clips (but not unrelated personal posts):
“Old Scouter” YouTube page (when I get time to edit after the trip):